2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 2024


June 31, 2016

KatieConf is all over for 2016.

You can watch all the videos in easy-to-play list on YouTube and keep up to date with KatieConf on Twitter

KatieConf is a one day, dual-track, community run conference.

KatieConf 2016 will be held in the Katherine Hotel Conference Center in Katherine, Northern Territory on June 31 2016

The two tracks feature speakers from around the world, presenting on a vast number of topics. The tracks are defined by no particular order, and are subject to change.


"K" Track

"T" Track

Katie Kurkoski

0 to Nodebots in 45 minutes
Katherine "kf" Fellows

ClojureBridge in Practice
Katy Moe

APIs for Cyborgs
Katie Stockton Roberts

Migrating from Legacy Platforms to NodeJS
Caitlin Englot

Turn off your awkward meter





Code of Conduct

Our conference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, Twitter and other online media.

We follow the JSConf/Ada Initiative Code of Conduct. A full copy of this Code is available on ConfCodeOfConduct.com


KatieConf 2016 is a free, community run event.

Seats are limited, but space is plentiful. We will be able to accomodate all attendees, but recommend you bring your own chair/seating.

Morning and afternoon tea will be provided by the local award-winning Country Women's Association

Diversity Statement

KatieConf is an inclusive conference.

We accept speakers whose name is derived from the root Katherine and starts with either a "C" or a "K"

Unsure of your etymology? Check the list of variations.

About KatieConf

KatieConf is a parody. Have you checked a calendar lately? There is no June 31st. Sorry. The town of Katherine does exist, though.

However, all the people featured in the KatieConf lineup are real. There are so many fantastic female technical presenters who just happened to be called Katie, or a variation thereupon. All the organisers listed have put in countless hours into organising and running usergroups, conferences, meetups, podcasts and more

If you are looking for speakers for your conference, why not ask one of the wonderful people featured here? They are all listed with their Twitter accounts, and a link to some of their prior talks.

Do you really need another conference lineup of all men? Or as many female speakers as speakers called Steve?

KatieConf 2016. Header image by Epic Fireworks (CC BY 2.0). Sister conference of JessConf